Our Pinterest Marketing Los Angeles team believes that Pinterest is one of the absolute best sites for getting inspiration and ideas.

That said, many people do not realize that Pinterest is not only useful for getting inspiration and ideas from a small range of topics like recipes or wedding planning. Pinterest offers a wide variety of content that covers various types of topics. Several brands even use Pinterest to market themselves. To use Pinterest to its fullest extent, follow our three tips for expert Pinterest use.

1. Make Your Posts Highly Clickable

Pinterest is a strong social media platform because of its reliance on visuals. On Pinterest, how good your picture looks can make or break your entire posts. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that all of your pictures are high quality. High resolution, vertical images in a portrait style work best and are the most eye-catching due to Pinterest displays posts. Text also makes your posts highly clickable. Instead of describing your pin with a simple sentence, why not try to customize it so that it seems more interesting? For example, let’s say your pin is about making a flower arrangement. Why not put “How to Make a Flower Arrangement for Less than $5” in your pin’s textboxPinterest Marketing Los Angeles?

2. Make your Website Pinterest-Friendly

If you have a website for a business, it is paramount that you tell your audience that you have a Pinterest page that they can follow. For example, tips:

  • Try attaching Pinterest’s “Follow” button somewhere on your site.
  • Use widgets Pinterest provides to inlay pins, Pinterest boards, and your Pinterest profile onto the content section of your website.
  • Add metadata to your pins using Pinterest’s Rich Pins feature.

3. Pin Constantly

Only 17% of Pinterest users are actually on the site every day. 29% of the users are on the site weekly and 52% say they don’t use the site often. Although Pinterest users may not use the site as much as other platforms, when they do use it they use it extensively. Therefore, it is important that you are constantly posting Pinterest content. Try posting 10 to 15 pins per day!

Looking for five ways to use Pinterest to its fullest? Click here.

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About the Author: Branding LA

We are a leading multi-cultural strategic branding agency specializing in creating a brand’s digital footprint, innovative communication engagements, and comprehensive public affairs strategies.