Social media is here to stay. A business that does not participate in at least a few of these platforms is likely to be overrun by the competition. According to many consumers, if you do not have a significant presence on at least Facebook, then you simply don’t exist. But interacting on these social sites is very time consuming and labor intensive. Here are some tips that can help you stay organized and effective.

1) Have a strategy and stick to it.

Create an outline of your daily and long term goals. Delegate individual responsibilities to reliable employees. Choose the best tools to best automate many of the processes. And review your strategies on a regular basis to stay on track.

2) Locate your customer base.

As soon as you join a social media website, all business owners should first determine where their likely customers already congregate. Many of these sites already have massive communities of like-minded people with internets in your products and services. Find these online clubs and organizations and join them.

3) Become a reputable expert.

When responding to conversations in these communities, pay strict attention to how you present yourself and your business. Take pride in your writings and posts, and speak with authority in your field. This will instill confidence and trust within the individual members, improving your brand name reputation and visibility as a direct result

4) Be Social

Once you join these social media communities, don’t be afraid to interact with the members. The keyword is “social”, which means that you have to respond to other’s comments as well as to those messages from other members. Communication is a two-way street, and this is a great way to establish yourself as a friendly professional in your field of expertise.

5) Respond quickly and often.

A presence on any form of social media requires a consistent dedication. Avoid thinking of your social sites as a secondary obligation or something that you do only in your spare time. Always respond to other members’ posts and comments in a timely fashion to build rapport and trust. Again, being “social” is going to help build your business brand much faster.

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About the Author: Branding LA

We are a leading multi-cultural strategic branding agency specializing in creating a brand’s digital footprint, innovative communication engagements, and comprehensive public affairs strategies.