At Branding Los Angeles, we have outlined the major CBD labeling requirements for all cannabis-related products.

At the start of 2019, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), released the requirements for labeling cannabis products in the state of California. These requirements apply to all cannabis-related products including CBD products. Be sure that your packaging and labels follow these CBD labeling requirements. The labeling consists of two panels. First, is the primary panel. Second, is the informational panel.

Primary Panel

The primary panel for CBD labeling is typically the front of the packaging. This panel is the display side in the retail setting. It is important that this label holds the identity of the product. This means describing the common name of the product.

Next is the net weight. The label needs to display the weight of the product in both metric and U.S. units. Lastly, the primary label needs to have the universal symbol for cannabis-related products. This is the symbol that identifies California-regulated cannabis and cannabis products.

cbd labeling requirements
cbd labeling requirements

Informational Panel

Second, is the informational panel. This label is any other label beside the primary label. One of the important components of this label is the date of packaging for sale. In particular, include the day, month, and year.

Additionally, it is mandated to include the UID number. This number is issued through the California Cannabis Track-And-Trace system. This requirement is only essential until you receive your Track-and-Trace system. Do not create a placeholder UID number, instead, leave a blank space until you input your UID number.

Also, include the licensee name and phone number, or website. This name can be the name of the business, the cultivator, or the registered DBA. For more information on this, refer to the CDPH website.

Lastly, is the government warning. The informational panel must hold the government warning statement in bold and capitalized lettering.

In addition to the above items, be sure to include the cannabinoid content percentage. This information may be displayed on either the primary or informational panel. It is also important that all text is in at least 6 point font and is clear and legible.

About Branding Los Angeles

Branding Los Angeles is an innovative cannabis advertising agency. We are knowledgeable in the CBD labeling requirements and strategies to help build a profitable cannabis business. For more information, contact us at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



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