Now that’s real revenue generating power. But even Facebook experiences “technical difficulties” from time to time. Every now and then, the social media platforms takes a crash, most recently being offline for over 30 minutes. At approximately $407 of revenue being generated every second, 30 minutes of downtime comes to a loss in profits of somewhere in the $855,000 range. And these figures are based on last quarter’s estimates.

From July to September of 2014, Facebook made a whopping $3.2 billion!

While social media is widely used by the public-at-large to share photos, chat with friends, and play innovative video games, small business owners and major corporations tend to rely on Facebook as a method of increasing their own company profits and boosting brand name visibility at the same time. So, the next time Facebook goes down, imagine the millions of business owners and CFO’s around the world who are most likely screaming at their computer screens while waiting in anxious anticipation for the site to reboot.

Social media MoneyBranding Las Angeles works with thousands of successful businesses by managing their social media campaigns, taking a great deal of the stress and frustration out of the day-to-day operations. When these types of crashes occur, on Facebook, Twitter, or any other form of social media, the team of social media experts from Branding Las Angeles are among the very first to know about it. We react instantly to these outages, alerting our clients instantly, and managing the resulting fallout immediately after the platform returns to full operational status.These types of surprises are inevitable and very often outside of our own control. But a quick public response to your customers regarding these types of social media crashes can help repair any potential damage that might occur to your company brand.

Contact Branding Las Angeles for all of your social media management services. Let us worry about the rest! (310)479-6444

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We are a leading multi-cultural strategic branding agency specializing in creating a brand’s digital footprint, innovative communication engagements, and comprehensive public affairs strategies.