If you want to see the latest unreleased Star Wars footage, don’t bother turning to DVD’s or the top entertainment sites. Facebook is where you’ll want to go for this gem of bonus footage from the original trilogy—specifically, the “Return of the Jedi long lost Edit Droid
Laserdisc Discovered” page. Since it’s creation nearly a week ago, the page has posted 9 rarely-before-seen footage from Return of the Jedi and has amassed more than 18,000 likes and gotten scores of attention from various media outlets, underscoring how Facebook has become a valuable and indispensable tool in the new media frontier.
The footage comes from a fan who purchased a LaserDisc that Lucasfilm created back in the 1980s and was recently up for bid on eBay. The disc, which was created to promote a then-brand new editing system, is said to contain about 50 raw takes from the iconic film series, including some very familiar scenes.
Below are some sample Facebook posts that have appeared on the fan page, along with the Star Wars videos.