As of October 4th, 2017 AdWords management services will be giving themselves more control of how companies spend their daily budget.

While Google may feel as though they are helping businesses at large, advertisers seem to have a much different feeling towards this so-called “update”.

Losing control is never a good thing, but when money is on the line, it is essentially the determinant of whether a business will sink or swim. This change has left advertisers questioning whether their budget is simply arbitrary. Google is claiming that they will never exceed your monthly budget; however, on high traffic days, you may see up to an alarming two times of your daily budget spent.

A Benefit Or A Detriment?

Google’s decision to move in this direction is based on the expectation that advertisers will have a better chance at reaching their overall goals, whether that is met by clicks or conversions. Although AdWords management services are trying to reassure their customers that this will be beneficial, advertisers are struggling with how to feel about this news. Their first reaction? Panic. Advertisers are uncertain on how their campaigns will be affected.

The Fear Of The Unknown

If Google believes a certain day will be more profitable for your campaign, they now have the ability to double your daily budget. In order to stay within budget, they can now compensate by spending half of your daily budget one day, just to ensure they do not go over the total monthly budget. However, whether or not this change will affect individual accounts is still unknown.

About Branding Los Angeles

Branding Los Angeles is a well-respected digital marketing agency in the Greater Los Angeles area. If your brand or business is inquiring about AdWords management services, please visit our website at



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