Our Social Media Services in Los Angeles team knows that social media services are constantly evolving; one way that they are currently changing is through how they are engaging with their users.
Instagram seeks to better capture their users’ attention by making it so that their feeds are populated with content customized to their perceived preferences. Essentially, what you’ll see in your feed in the near future is content that is specifically designed to appeal to you, and you alone. Previous to this week, the content you saw on your feed was ordered by time. In other words, what you saw was chronologically accurate based on when the specific accounts you follow made posts.
This week Instagram is gradually changing the
photo feeds of users, starting with a select 400 million people.
Through research done by studying your account, Instagram will now order what you see on your feed based on the types of posts you’ve liked, comments you’ve made, or things you’ve searched for in the past. In other words, Instagram is now ordering your feed based on what they think you’ll find to be most interesting.
Instagram has acknowledged that there is a risk in doing this. The service is prided on being incredibly simple to use; some people believe that ordering the feed out of chronology might ruin the appeal of the app. However, Instagram finds that this step is necessary to keep Instagram alive.
They note that about 70% of content on users’ feeds is ignored.
Instagram believes that some users follow so many people that it’s difficult for them to keep track of interesting content that they should be seeing. This change is in line with other social media services including Twitter and Facebook. Both Twitter and Facebook have an option to order posts sorted by relevance in addition to chronological sorting. The overall effects of Instagram changing their feed composition have yet to be seen, but should prove to reinvigorate the service.
About Branding Los Angeles:
Branding Los Angeles is recognized as one of the top Social Media Services Los Angeles providers in the greater Los Angeles area. To learn more about the Social Media Services Los Angeles providers, visit them at their website at brandinglosangeles.com/marketing/social-media-services/.