Twitter is not the only one battling with Facebook over worldwide dominance of news distribution. For well over a year now, Facebook has been cracking down on the “bait-and-switch” tactics used by many non-ad promotional posts, resulting in many of these pages receiving far less visibility in the Facebook feeds. In 2015, businesses can now expect to see a new change, one that will be more compatible with YouTube channels and videos.

Facebook is implementing a new feature that allows its users to highlight a featured video in an extra-large display window, complete with a live feed at the top of their page. Users can even include selected playlists as well. The new feature will have the look and feel of YouTube, who seems to be very flattered by all of the extra attention by also redesigning their video section to become more compatible with Facebook.

ABC News has been testing the new format recently, with further plans to release even more of their news stories through this new method in the coming weeks. The NFL also just struck a deal with Facebook that will allow their posting of football highlights along with Verizon advertisements. The increased revenue will be dividing between the Verizon and the NFL. For the average business owner, this is an innovative new branding opportunity.

Facebook is Competing on Multiple Fronts

The social media giant is attempting to turn Facebook Pages of individual businesses into an online destination that users will want to visit voluntarily and that other businesses will want to link to. Facebook has already changed the way that businesses can include customer reviews, content information, and OpenTable integrations to popular websites like Yelp and Angieslist.

It’s also begun pushing more evergreen content and opened more communications channels as a way of competing with websites indexed by Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Now they have their sights set on television and YouTube. Business pages will begin to see the new features automatically. They can still choose to have their videos viewed in the old way of chronological listing, but now the view counts, number of Likes, video titles, and video durations will also appear. For a social media platform that has been dangerously slow to adapt to the world of video creation and marketing, Facebook will be taking this issue a great deal more seriously in 2015.

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We are a leading multi-cultural strategic branding agency specializing in creating a brand’s digital footprint, innovative communication engagements, and comprehensive public affairs strategies.