Here’s a list of some new state laws in California that will come into play starting January 1, 2020.

In the Workplace
Minimum wage has gone up!
Minimum wage in California has gone up to $12 an hour for companies with less than 25 workers. Bigger companies with more than 25 employees, minimum wage has gone up to $13 an hour.
California has become the first state to set in place the crown law, making it that workplace and schools cant discriminate based on one’s hairstyle or hair texture.
Nursing accommodations
This new law is requiring that in every office there must be a proper room for nursing. This room should have a plug and be free of intrusion. In the past many nursing moms returning back to work were having to nurse in supply closets, or crammed in bathroom stalls.
Forced Arbitration agreements
Starting 2020. workers can’t be forced into mandatory arbitration by their employer.
Sexual harassment training
Starting January 2020, businesses with five employees or more are required to have sexual harassment training to new employees within the year of being hired. The business must keep up the sexual harassment training every 2 years after that.
Paid family leave
Paid family leave has gone up from 6 weeks to 8 weeks starting January 1, 2020.
Rent control protection
Renters without their own rent control will now be covered by the states own rent control protections. This law is applicable to houses built in the last 15 years.
Religious displays allowed
This new law starting January 2020 prohibits landlords and homeowners from not allowing any displays of religious items outside ones home. For example, a menorah or cross in front of one’s house. However, this item should not be bigger than 26 by 12 inches.
Online Privacy
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is now giving internet users the right to know what information is collected about them. The user is now able to reject the sale of the information and delete the data that was collected.
Smartphones allowed in polling places
Voters can now have their smartphones on them while casting their ballot at the polling place.
Prohibited Animal testing
California starting January 2020 bans, testing cosmetic products on animals. This law excludes products that are sold globally and need to be tested by animals according to other countries’ laws.
School suspensions bans
Starting January, students cannot be suspended easily for disrupting school, or causing trouble. This is for students in the grades 4-8, ages K-3 already have this protection.
Undocumented immigrants healthcare
Subsidized health benefits are now being offered to young adults living in California illegally.
Criminal Justice
Juvenile hall
Starting 2020, minors under the age of 12 will not be sent to Juvenile hall for non-violent crimes and will be sent home to their legal guardian instead. Minors will be sent to Juvenile hall for murder, rape, or other larger crimes.
staff training against Human trafficking
Hotel and motel owners in California starting January 2020, must train their staff on how they can tell if someone is a victim of human trafficking.
Wildfire warning center
California has now established wildfire warning centers to help the state prepare better for wildfires.

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