
Genie Pics

The Company:

Genie Pics was a free photo-sharing mobile app. Their app uses Bluetooth technology to enable a group of individuals to share pictures with one another without having to individually share it with multiple people through text, email and other means.

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Hours: All Day (online)

The Project:

Genie Pics needed assistance in defining and connecting with their target market and understanding what needs these people might have when it comes to the type of app they were developing.

The Approach:

Through marketing research, we identified who their target market should be. From there we conducted a focus group with this demographic of people where we gathered information from them, including what apps they currently use, where they would be when they might want to use Genie Pics and what prompts them to make in-app purchases. With this information in mind, we were able to understand the tone of the app and created a unique logo design and slogan that appealed to their target market. To promote and bring brand awareness to Genie Pics, we created and optimized multiple social media pages for their app.


WE Love people

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