Founder of Virgin Airlines Richard Branson saw a unique marketing opportunity in front of him and wasted no time capitalizing on it.

Ever had an awkward moment at work that haunted you for days? An employee from Virgin Australia recently experienced one. Branson decided to visit the Australian offices to see the smiles that make the brand successfully run. Instead, Branson found a sleeping employee on a couch.


He took a picture with the dozing employee and quickly posted it to his company’s blog page. Not many bosses would have had the same idea but Branson continues to show off his great business and marketing acumen. Branson displayed a good sense of humor throughout the entire encounter. When talking about his employee he said, “ he must have thought he was dreaming because he went straight back to sleep. To be fair, he was on standby, getting some much-needed rest”. This just goes to show you never know what can happen in the workplace, no matter where it is.


It can be hard getting enough sleep as an airline employee so sneaking in sleep wherever you can is a useful skill. Unfortunately for this worker, he chose to dream at the wrong place and at the wrong time. No need to worry about the employee though, he escaped the ordeal without being reprimanded. Still, that’s a wake-up call he will never forget.


About Branding Los Angeles

Branding Los Angeles is a digital marketing agency that specializes in many different areas of marketing. Our staff is dedicated to our clients and strives to give them all the tools necessary to maximize their brand. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and to see some bosses you wouldn’t want catching you snoozing, read 9 CEOs With The Worst Reputations.

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