Negative online advertising trends rise after a shortage of Szechuan sauce.

Videos, tweets, and photos from frustrated fans blew up on social media platforms after experiencing a disappointing promotional event between Mcdonalds and hit animated series, Rick and Morty. What was supposed to be a successful cross-promotional event between big food franchise, Mcdonald’s and recent hit television series, Rick and Morty, ended just short of what was expected, both literally and figuratively causing negative online advertising trends.

Creators claim they weren’t involved with the handling of the promotion.

In a statement issued by one of the creators, Justin Roiland, urges their disappointment with the franchise and claim to had not been involved in the handling of the actual events. With such a devoted fan base eager to get their hands on the long-awaited return of Szechuan sauce, a collaboration could have been beneficial for both the show and food franchise.

This promotion was a chance for online advertising trend gold.

With the series rapidly growing a global audience, this collaboration was the perfect opportunity for easy engagement and promotion within a huge demographic. If waves of fans made their disappointing experience trending, just imagine the potential positive reach and influence they could have reached.

McDonald’s apology says they’ll fix the problem for future events.

Along with their apology, they promised to have more Szechuan sauce and add more locations in order to make it available to more people. With the potential behind Rick and Morty’s such huge audience, it would only be wise for McDonald’s to take full advantage of this opportunity and get it done right.  With online advertising trends dictating the popularity of television series, food companies, and businesses, it’s only right to correct their mistakes and try to resolve any lost connection to their audience and hope for the best.

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