A brand is a name, design, symbol, or term that is created to help identify your service or product. The characteristics of your brand are meant to be distinctive, setting you apart from other sellers. There may be times when you may not feel as confident in your brand and the message it gives. This is where refreshing your brand may now be critical to your future success. However, before getting into a brand refresh, it is important to understand the difference between that and rebranding.
A branding refresh is done to update and build upon your existing brand structure. Instead of doing a complete overhaul of your brand, it involves small tweaks, such as updating visual elements or small changes in your messaging, or other differentiators. On the other hand, a rebrand is very different. A rebrand is much more extensive, as it involves removing the existing structure of the brand and essentially starting from scratch. With that being said, if you are considering refreshing your brand, then this article will be extremely helpful.
Are You Brand Blind?
Have you ever heard of going ‘brand blind?’ Surprisingly, it is more common than you think. The reason is because you are your brand–it’s what you know and it’s what you worked so hard to establish. Because of this, it isn’t always obvious when your brand may need a little updating. Therefore, it is important to see what other brands are doing to ensure that your name, design, symbol, and other differentiating factors are up to date, relevant, and eye-catching.
Refreshing Your Brand
Think of a brand refresh as a personal makeover, like when you get a new haircut, a fresh new outfit, or even a new handbag. These specific updates are enough to transform your look and your presence as a whole. Now with branding, when you update your name, design, symbol, or term, it works in the same way.
Refreshing your brand can benefit your company in a number of ways and will help improve the way your business is perceived by others. Whether you’re looking to bring more energy to your brand, or to ensure that your branding stays relevant, or expand your reach, refreshing your brand can certainly do wonders.
Your brand isn’t getting enough attention
If your brand isn’t getting enough attention or if you’ve experienced a steady decline in sales, then it may be a good idea to consider a brand refresh. It can be possible that your brand has lost its selling potential, so what better way than to update your brand and help it grow with a brand refresh?
You don’t stand out from the competition anymore
Another telling factor that may mean it’s time for a brand refresh is when you don’t stand out from the competition anymore. It is no secret that there are copycats everywhere, so keep an eye out for them to avoid this from happening. It is imperative that your brand is easily distinguishable from the other brands in your particular industry so it is never mixed up with another.
You’ve changed
With time, change can be inevitable and this applies to branding and your messaging as well. Perhaps your brand no longer represents your service or product or who you are. Many companies evolve in order to stay relevant, so if necessary, it’s important that your audience clearly understands that.
You want to attract new customers
Another reason as to why a brand refresh may be necessary is if you are growing or want to attract new customers. A refresh can be helpful in finding new customers. Perhaps you are partnering with a new company or you have a new product line, a brand refresh can certainly do wonders for your business.
There are many brand refresh examples out there that can give you a better idea as to whether you can benefit from it or not, such as:
There’s a disconnect between what your brand says and does
One of the most important things about a business is establishing, building, and maintaining trust between your brand and your consumers. This helps in building a positive and productive relationship, which is always important to stay consistent and ensure that your messaging aligns with your actions. So if this applies to you, then it may be time for a brand refresh.
Your brand looks outdated or unprofessional
Another example of a brand refresh is if your brand looks outdated or unprofessional. This can apply to your logo, design elements, color palette, tagline, and much more. It is always a good idea to stay up to date to ensure that your brand is never outdated or looks unprofessional.
You don’t acknowledge the digital age
In order to have a brand that is up to date, it is imperative that you acknowledge the digital age and that is reflected in your brand. While there are many brands out there that were established prior to the digital age, it’s still important to expand your brand when it comes to technology to ensure that you are looked at as a credible business. For example, having a professional and modern-looking website is essential to your credibility these days. If your website looks outdated or neglected, this can certainly impact your growth. Another example is utilizing email signatures, email marketing, social media profiles, and much more to stay up to date.
If it’s time to refresh your brand, then you have come to the right place. With over 15 years of experience, Branding Los Angeles has established itself as one of the leading branding agencies, specializing in strategic branding, marketing, communication, and public affairs services for a wide range of businesses. If you’re interested in refreshing your brand in an innovative and effective way, contact us today to learn how we can help!